We are on a Mission to Digitize Construction Industry

You will be in a Good Company

Our Story

Why did techies and product creators aim to disrupt the construction business? We hear this a lot. It’s a valid question with a simple answer — we found a problem we were interested in solving.

My father built our house, allowing me to assist him when he added two more floors to the main building. He complained when the initial time and budget estimations went wrong. But I didn’t understand his frustration until I decided to get my house renovated, and both the budget and timeline exceeded 40% — We wondered how such delays affected larger projects if smaller projects like ours faced so many issues.

That’s when we realized that owners lose a lot of money when construction projects exceed budgets and timelines. We validated the problem by spending weeks on multiple construction sites and tried building technology to solve the problems. Making plenty of mistakes along the way, we’ve got some fantastic clients now and a long way to go. So excited!

Powerplay Snapshot

5 Lakh+

App Downloads


Projects managed


Saved Montlhy

4.5 ★


Our Core Values

We break down barriers so teams can focus on what matters – working together to create products their customers love.

Only Growth Matters

Raise the Bar
with the Team

Take Actions
like a Futurist

Dig a Deep well
to be Unmatched

Focus like a Laser

Delegate to Machines

Be Straightforward
with your feedback

Go Frugal

Meet Our Team

Iesh Dixit
Founder & CEO
Co-Founder & CTO
Anshul Gupta
Head of Business
Manish Prasad
Founding Team
Ashish Garg
Product Lead
Ankita Sen
People Partner
Chief of Staff, CEO's office
Souvik Roy
Lead Product Analyst

India's #1 Construction
Management App

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